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- An unsteady peace in the Middle East will continue to prevail, as long as both Israel and Iran are not backed by acceleratingly aggressive acts by their respective Allies over their preferred oil pipeline routes (includingthe USA, EU/NATO, Russia, Turkey, and Ukraine).
- The major G8/G20 Currencies will be augmented by individual countries’ and worldwide Cryptocurrencies by 2025-2026, with silver and gold (predominantly coins) both also being used alternatively in place of cash, as is typically used today.
- President Trump will ultimately be successful in bringing North and South Korea together (in a stalemate, worst case) in a long overdue (and for a good while, uneasy) peace (under the surface of political posturing) via his friendship with the Leaders of both Countries — though he and his Team will not ultimately get the credit for this, as much as will have been deserved.
- Biden narrowly defeating Trump (highly contested by a significant percentage of the USA Population, due to ongoing calls of election fraud) will set off a chain of events, leading to the beginnings of a Second USA Civil War throughout Summer / Fall 2024 (culminating after the 5th November 2024 Presidential Election into 2025, with no clear Victor until then) with more violence in Q1-Q2-2025 (pre- and post- Inauguration Day), culminating in later 2025-2026, escalating into 2027-2028, bringing about a new, more regimented USA and Global Society beginning 2030, culminating in 2032.
- The Summer 2024 Solar (and Lunar) Eclipses will have a dramatic impact upon the USA, with potential political land changes and natural disasters, as the Solar Eclipse shadow passes over much of the Eastern, Southern, and Southwestern portions of the country.
- The Calexit and (especially) Texit Movements will have a behind-the-scenes impact upon the stability of the USA starting in late 2018-2019 and culminating in the 2024-2025 Elections, when regardless of the vote outcome, will be seen in hindsight to have been ‘The Beginning Of The End’ of the Fifty United States of America, leading to the de facto dividing of the USA into several (most likely six or seven) regional Territories starting with Texas / ‘TeXit’ and Florida (‘FLexit’), roughly analogous to the regional ‘Nation-States’ proposed by many sources since the 1980s.
- Several major cryptocurrencies will be in more common worldwide usage starting in 2018-2024 (commonplace by 2025) lead by Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), and their more transaction-friendly variants. By this time, several other major National and World Crypto-currencies will try to emerge (including FedCoin / CDBCs, AMZN, FB, GOOG, and AAPL based), causing a battle for supremacy through 2024-2025-2026 and culminating in a mass consolidation occurring circa 2026-2028-2032.
- Aliens, UFOs, AI Robots, AI- Enhanced Humans, near-constant Drone Surveillance, and Time Travel will all be in common de facto usage, though not necessarily publicly acknowledged, by 2019-2020, increasingly so (and more publicly acknowledged) by 2024-2025 leading into 2028-2030.
- At least a dozen well known Politicians and Players on the World’s Global Scene will have become known for their proactive (though behind-the-scenes and clandestine) use of Time Travel and related futuristic and/or alien tech based devices) in the achieving of their respective successes by 2024-2026-2028-2030-2032+.
- AI (rapidly advancing in 2023-2024+) will prove to be Humanity’s Biggest Challenge by far starting in 2018 leading up to the 2030-2032 timeframe, with the establishment of universally agreed-upon Human and AI Ethics / Operating Parameters and their ramifications being the primary overall issue and concern moving forward (the avoidance of a ‘Skynet’ scenario).
- The last 5,000-8,000+ years of Recorded Human History — including Ancient, Biblical, Dark / Middle / Renaissance Ages, up through and including Recent and Contemporary World History of the past two hundred years — will be shown by 2020-2025 to have been almost completely falsified by the various Factions in power during these respective times, primarily through major omissions and deliberate / inadvertent misinterpretations, in order to hide the real motives, purposes, and history of these same powerful factions, which if commonly known, would have lead to mass uprisings and major changes to the history of humanity as we know it today for the past few Millenia…
- The World Consensus Historical Timelines have experienced several major unexpected shifts in recent times, most notably 1998 to 1999, 2001 to 2002, 2008 to 2009, 2011 to 2012, 2015 to 2016, and 2020-2022 leading to 2024-2028, with more to come in the next 25 years, due to several known (and also as yet unknown) factors, with more to come… Awaken, Pay Attention, Stay Tuned…